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How to Market Successfully

  Motivational Theory and Marketing Strategies Marketers have to understand the motives of their potential customers to enjoy good sales. A buyer has several motives and each change with various elements. In such cases the marketers can readily help their customers by changing their marketing strategy so that the conflict is resolved. Following are the major conflicts that may arise − Approach Conflict  − This conflict arises when a consumer has two different choices of similar products or services. He gives equal importance to them, but is unable to choose one over the other. Approach Avoidance Conflict  − This type of conflict happens when the consumer decides in favor of a product, but is unhappy with a particular feature of the product and wants to avoid it. Under such circumstances, the marketer may come up with few modifications in the existing product and make it suitable for the consumer.

Plan Today For A Better Tomorrow

Should Plan Today For A Better Tomorrow

The timeless in you is aware of life’s timelessness. And knows that yesterday is but today’s memory and tomorrow is today’s dream“, wrote Khalil Gibran in The Prophet.
There are morning people who just spring out of bed at the setting off the alarm, and then there are those who are just tempted to hit the snooze button to get a few minutes more of that coveted sleep.
For both these sets of people, the importance of planning in advance for the day ahead could be a blessing in disguise.
How often do you say to yourself that tomorrow will be a great day and you completely look forward to living it?
Pretty rare.
The feeling of fear has taken over the optimism that resided once and tomorrow has become a dreaded thing for some.
The best thing is that you have complete control over the way you lead your life.
If your tomorrow will be an exact repetition of today, and you aren’t happy today, you are sure up for disappointment even tomorrow.
Life is an enigma that alludes to the understanding of humans busy in their daily lives.
While some get stuck in their past misfortunes and are crestfallen, others revel in the beauty of the unknown that tomorrow brings with it.
As Buddha puts it,
The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.”
Living to the full today, being optimistic and planning for tomorrow is how you’ll find solace.

21 Life Hacks to plan Today for a Better Tomorrow

There are a few things that you can do today to make sure that your tomorrow will be a great one. Here are 21 life hacks that when you do today will make your tomorrow positive and productive.
Plan for tomorrow
Plan for tomorrow
It is always a great way to plan for the day ahead. You would be more productive the next day when you wake up and have a to-do list on your table stacked up based on their priority, rather than thinking and enlisting the tasks for the day in the morning.
Knowing what you are up for the day beforehand will make your tomorrow more organized and less stressed out.
Ernest Hemingway wrote on his writing habit, that he used to stop writing at night cutting the flow abruptly, so he would wake up the next morning knowing where to start.
Make a to-do list for the next day and stack them up based on priority with the most important task going at the top. This would give you considerable self-empowerment and control over the way your day turns out to be.
Think about the big picture
Introspection is a great way to know where you are and where you intend to get to.
Taking some time in a day for thinking and prioritizing your long-term goals.
What do you want from your life?
Write down your long term goals and make sure you look at the big picture of your life and work everyday towards it.
These long term goals a great way to get you back on track if you are being drawn into something you weren’t supposed to be in.
Be it anything, becoming a musician, a writer, an artist, a great engineer, a great blogger, or anything that is you intend to achieve, write it down and make some time to ponder upon it every day.
Whenever you feel like you are doing something off the hook and crossed the line, this would help you bring yourself back on track and you’ll regain your focus.
Prepare a Plan B
Now this is a great way to plan today for both the near tomorrow and your long-term future.
Life is a puzzle and things may not always turn out the same way to suppose them to.
Having a plan B for both your near tomorrow and your long-term goals is a great way to cast the safety net and play it safe. Make some time to prepare a Plan B for your next day – Be it a different route for reaching to a meeting or an interview you’re supposed to reach on time or for the alternative to your career if you didn’t get into a program of your choice during university studies.
Have a ready Plan B which can be immediately called into action when things take a detour in your life.
Keep track of your achievements
Keep track of achievements
If you ask a successful man, he would not be happy with his achievements, a rich man would still want a little more and there is no limit for satisfaction.
Although you should always be competitive and aim for more, there is no satisfaction than the one found in one’s own achievements.
Take some time to reflect on your achievements so far, no matter how minuscule they might seem to you.
Keep note of everything you’re proud of so far and feel content with everything life has blessed you with.
Although you shouldn’t revel in and boast about your achievements, feeling satisfied with your past achievements will justify all your efforts that went into it.
Identify what is sapping your energy
Negativity quote
We are surrounded by negativity.
There’s negative talks, negative thinking, negative people and influences and so forth. While there are things and people to make you feel better, there are ones who will always try to pull you down, intentionally or unintentionally. Identify the thing or the person or the thought that went into the disrupting of your daily productivity. Knowing what is sapping your energy will take you halfway towards the problem of being unproductive or having a grumpy day.
Take note of every thought, action or person that made you lose your energy and squander your daily productivity.
Swiftly get rid of everything negative
Once you’ve identified what’s playing around with your energy, try to get rid of everything negative in and around you.
Quit paying attention to your overly critical and judgmental connections, be it your friends or your boss.
Your time is limited, and it is not worth to waste it thinking about people who don’t matter the most to you.
Quit comparing yourselves to everyone else, although that is how you feel competitive, but life is no rat race and you won’t anything except dejection once you start comparing yourselves to everyone.
Your habits, actions and thoughts make who you are and try and eliminate everything negative from you on these three fronts.
Visualize tomorrow in a positive way
This is something I’ve been doing for the past few years after reading it in some book I cease to remember.
It told that visualizing the next day in a positive way provides you with the correct mindset needed while beginning the day.
While most of us visualize the next day in a dreadful fashion, imagining everything that could go wrong, there is hardly anyone visualizing the next day in a positive fashion.
Visualize your next day doing your things and all of them going perfect.
Hear and feel these things and don’t be impassive here.
The attitude and perspective with which you head into a new day matters the most and helps you in creating the same.
Show gratitude towards life
Make sure you don’t forget to show gratitude towards life and all the important people who are a part of your life.
Ask yourself questions like, What makes you happy?,
What do you feel about your life right now? and other such gratitude questions.
These are a great way to recognize the things in your life that you usually end up taking for granted. This thinking will help you reach your positive energy and ponder on the things that make you who you are.
Have a quick chat or a coffee with someone close and ask about how their day was and become a good listener.
Life isn’t all me-me.
Do things that matter the most to you
Do more of what you love
There are certain circumstances and events that change the life of people and take them into the unknowns. There are few people out there right now doing what they’ve always dreamed to do or become.
Life isn’t just about earning a high-paying job, it is all about your ambitions and the passion with which you pursue them. I consider every single person lucky who is doing something right now that they’ve always dreamed of doing. There is no time but today.
Do everything that matters the most to you and only in that you’ll find peace.
Push your boundaries
Push your boundaries
‘When was the last time you did something for the first time?‘.
Ask yourself this and you’ll know if it is time for you to do something new and embrace the unknown. Know you boundaries, and push them to a new level altogether.
Simple things like talking to a complete stranger for no reason, taking a new route to your daily routine commute are nothing but pushing your boundaries and out of your comfort zone is where you’ll find success and happiness.
You can always find alone time for yourself, but make sure you have lived the day before going and hiding in your cocoon.
Don’t bring work home
Home is for family time.
If you are working, don’t bring your work home. You’ll find free time to relax, explore new avenues and don’t invade that precious time with workload.
If you’re taking work home with you, it would also suggest your lack of time management skills.
Leave it where it has to be and it will help you recharge for resuming the next day with vigor. If you work from home, don’t let your work interfere with your family time.
Assign your time effectively for work purposes and don’t go on dragging them to impeded your daily dose of relaxation and rest.
Get active and go for a walk
This is one of the best advice for all people into the creative process as it comes with benefits beyond expectations.
Going out for a walk or a jog is a great way to stay in tune with nature and keeping your body fit, getting your mental and physical health on track.
Most of our jobs make us sedentary for vast portions of the day and taking a walk is the only way to prevent you from getting lethargic. A walk also induces a sense of creative thinking process and it helps all those people involved in the creative process of producing art.
Learn to forgive
Happy is the man who has learned to forgive himself and others.
Don’t be too hard on yourself and learn to forgive your own mistakes, but making sure that you won’t be repeating them and learning from them is more important.
Forgiving others and showing empathy towards others is also an important aspect of life. While forgiving yourself for your mistakes, do forgive others who may have unintentionally caused you problems and don’t hold any grudges against them. Check out this awesome video to understand the power of Empathy:
De-clutter your work space
De clutter your space
There are two ways how people work: Ones who have a clear desk and others who clutter up their work space, making finding anything a near to impossible task. While there have been many arguments about the relation between a de-cluttered desk and the creativity, having a clean up every once in a while won’t hurt anyone. Your work desk tends to quickly become a temporary storage attic and clearing things out today would make your tomorrow easy. Things you might not need today may be of a great importance tomorrow and make sure you organize them properly and eliminate everything with no great value.
Relax and have fun
Revitalization is an important aspect of life and you can never get too much done without the needed energy for accomplishing the same. Listen to relaxing music, read your favorite books, do your favorite activities and make sure you enjoy every aspect of it. Things may turn out too rough sometimes and relaxing it off is the only way to find your inner peace.
Give some time for your journal
Writing a journal
Having a journal is a great way to keep track of your daily life and try to get different perspectives on your day-to-day activities.
Maintaining a journal today will help you in the long run for your introspective outlooks.
The benefits of maintaining a journal are numerous and finding the inspiration and perseverance is something that has to come from within and couldn’t be imposed on someone.
Take some time to meditate
Meditation is something that will always help you in the long run. Finding time to meditate daily will benefit you both physically and mentally. Meditation helps you focus your attention on your work and calm your nerves.
It helps you lower your anxiety levels and reduce your blood pleasure. An all round well being of the body is how you’ll attain peace and working towards it on a daily basis is what meditation is all about.
Get over the past
let go off your Past
Let the bygones be bygones. What has been said and done is all but done and dusted and there’s no point in sobbing on your past mistakes. ‘The past can’t hurt you anymore, not unless you let it.‘, says Alan Moore in V for Vendetta. Letting go off the things and events of the past is a great way to be prepared for the future and embrace it with more enthusiasm and optimism.
Be optimistic about tomorrow
Just before you begin your coming day, start telling yourself that tomorrow will just be awesome. Having an optimistic outlook on life will take your attitude on life to an altogether new level and help you accomplish more. Realize that everyday is a new day for more opportunities and make sure you don’t squander it with negativity and unproductive. Have an upbeat attitude towards life and be optimistic about everything that is awaiting you in the near future.

“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt

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